Why this blog?

Reason For the Blog

Hello, my name is Steve. I am a middle-aged husband and a father of one beautiful girl. The reason for this blog is two-fold. First, by posting whats happening in my life in regards to the activity and treatment for my gastroparesis (gp) then I feel it is likely that some information from this blog may be of aid to someone who is also suffering from gp, aka "the stomach flux" everyday of their lives. The second reason I created this blog is so I may express what's going on in my gp-life. By typing away my frustrations I feel my self relaxing, both physically and emotionally. Feel free to send me any comments or advise you may have. Shalom.


Gastroparesis Awareness

Gastroparesis Awareness
Gastroparesis Awareness

Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Rough Day

I am having a very rough day today.  The kind of day that I often find myself debating on the issue of whether or not I am sick enough to go to an ER.  Should I stay or should I go?  This is a battle I have been fighting since yesterday evening.  Stay home or go to the ER?  I was up all night with severe nausea, dry retching and vomiting.

I know it sounds like Steve's broken record; the fact I have been suffering from two severe and invisible chronic illness (ICI), Type 1 Diabetes and gastroparesis in my life. 

For those of us who suffer from gp, I hope and pray that a new discovery in the treatment of gastroparesis.  It is my hope and prayer that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will change their policy in regards to the nuero-simulator for the stomach.  I have been told that the simulator can only relieve up to 30-60% of digestive ills, mainly nausea.  But 30-60% of relief sounds like relief.

If anyone has some ideas then I am more then ready to listen.

Precious Lord, thank you for each and every blessing you have bestowed upon me.  I pray that I may endure the suffering that comes from gp.  May you grant us all the love and happiness we may endure.  Knowing you are there is what makes this possible.

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