Why this blog?

Reason For the Blog

Hello, my name is Steve. I am a middle-aged husband and a father of one beautiful girl. The reason for this blog is two-fold. First, by posting whats happening in my life in regards to the activity and treatment for my gastroparesis (gp) then I feel it is likely that some information from this blog may be of aid to someone who is also suffering from gp, aka "the stomach flux" everyday of their lives. The second reason I created this blog is so I may express what's going on in my gp-life. By typing away my frustrations I feel my self relaxing, both physically and emotionally. Feel free to send me any comments or advise you may have. Shalom.


Gastroparesis Awareness

Gastroparesis Awareness
Gastroparesis Awareness

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gastric Emptying Update

Hello all.  I thought you may want an update regarding my involvement with the University of Michigan Hospitals (U of M).  So here goes...

We (both the hospital staff and myself) have been working hard to get my body "healthy enough" to start AND finish the Gastric Emptying Exam which is performed by the Nuclear Medicine Department at U of M.  Twice now I have been set to go through the six hour test at the hospital.  This process would include eating of scrambled eggs w/ a nice dose of radiation, some toast and Jelly and a bottle of water.  After eating, I was/am to swallow a large capsule which is the "smart pill". 

Test meal.

The first trip to U of M was two weeks ago.  I spent the entire morning retching and vomiting.  The Nuclear Medicine team stated that I cannot go through the test while I am so acutely ill.  SO we postponed until yesterday.

Upon waking at 5.30 AM I checked my blood glucose levels as instructed by the U of M staff.  My level was 322, fasting!! I knew I was going to be in trouble all due to my super high sugar level.  I remembered that glucose levels could not be over 270 if I wanted to be in the test.  

Long story short, I am awaiting instructions from U of M.  Please pray that I am not kicked out of the study for being too ill.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Science Behind Gastroparesis

Article Source:  EVOKE Pharma

The health of the GI system has a major effect on an individual's daily activities and quality of life. A retrospective review published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases estimated that in 2004 there were more than 72 million ambulatory care visits with a diagnosis of a GI disorder in the United States alone. The annual cost of these GI disorders in 2004, not including digestive cancers and viral diseases, was estimated to be greater than $114 billion in direct and indirect expenditures, including hospital, physician and nursing services as well as over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

In 2004, the total cost of prescription drugs in the United States was $12.3 billion over half of this cost ($7.7 billion) was associated with drugs prescribed for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. Peptic Ulcer disease, hepatitis C, IBS and IBD were major contributors to the remaining drug cost. Historically GI product development efforts have focused on indications with the largest patient populations such as GERD, constipation, peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. As a result, limited innovation has occurred in other segments of the GI market, such as upper GI motility disorders, even though these disorders affect several million patients worldwide. Consequently, due to the limited treatment options available for upper GI motility disorders, we believe there is a substantial market opportunity for us to address significant unmet medical needs, initially for diabetic gastroparesis.

GI Motility Disorders

Motility disorders are one of the most common GI disorders. Motility disorders affect the orderly contractions or relaxation of the GI tract which move contents forward and prevent backwards egress. This is important in the normal movement of food through the GI tract. Motility disorders are sometimes referred to as functional GI disorders to highlight that many abnormalities in gut function can occur even when anatomic structures appear normal. Functional GI disorders affect the upper and lower GI tract and include gastroparesis, GERD, functional dyspepsia, constipation and IBS. It has been estimated by the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders that one in four people in the United States suffer from functional GI disorders, having symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, decreased appetite, early satiety, swallowing difficulties, heartburn and/or incontinence.


Gastroparesis is a debilitating, chronic condition that has a significant impact on patients' lives. It is characterized by slow or delayed gastric emptying and evidence of gastric retention in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Muscular contractions in the stomach, which move food into the intestine, may be too slow, out of rhythm or cease altogether.
The stomach is a muscular sac between the esophagus and the small intestine where the digestion of food begins. The stomach makes acids and enzymes referred to as gastric juices which are mixed with food by the churning action of the stomach muscles. Peristalsis is the contraction and relaxation of the stomach muscles to physically breakdown food and propel it forward. The crushed and mixed food is liquefied to form chyme and is pushed through the pyloric canal into the small intestine in a controlled and regulated manner.

In gastroparesis, the stomach does not perform these functions normally causing characteristic symptoms that include nausea, vomiting, early satiety, bloating, and abdominal pain. As a result of these symptoms, patients may limit their food and liquid intake leading to poor nutrition and dehydration with the patient ultimately requiring hospitalization. If left untreated or not adequately treated, gastroparesis causes significant acute and chronic medical problems, including additional diabetic complications resulting from poor glucose control.

Gastroparesis in the Hospital Setting

When patients experience a flare of their gastroparesis symptoms that cannot be adequately managed by oral medications, they may be hospitalized for hydration, parenteral nutrition, and correction of abnormal blood glucose electrolyte levels. In this setting, intravenous metoclopramide is the first line of treatment. Typically, these diabetic patients with severe gastroparesis symptoms remain in the hospital until they are stabilized and able to be effectively treated with oral metoclopramide. These hospitalizations are costly and expose patients to increased risks, including hospital-acquired infections.

The number of patients with gastroparesis that require hospitalization due to their disease is growing, according to a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology in 2008. Additionally, the study reported, from 1995 to 2004, total hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of gastroparesis increased 158%. Hospital admissions for patients with gastroparesis as the secondary diagnosis increased 136%. The average length of stay for a patient is between seven to eight days at an estimated cost of approximately $22,000. Compared to the other four most common upper GI admission diagnoses (GERD, gastric ulcer, gastritis or nonspecific nausea/vomiting), gastroparesis had the longest length of stay and one of the highest total charges per stay. Additionally, the study estimates that costs associated with gastroparesis as the primary or secondary diagnosis for admission exceeded $3.5 billion in 2004.

A study of patients in clinics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center between January 2004 and December 2008 published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, showed that patients with diabetic or post-surgical gastroparesis had significantly more emergency room visits than other gastroparesis groups. The study reinforced the view that gastroparesis constitutes a significant burden for patients and the healthcare system, with more than one-third of patients requiring hospitalization. The number of emergency room visits and annual days of inpatient treatment were comparable to patients with Crohn's disease. The study indicated that patients received an average of 6.7 prescriptions on admission. Eighty percent of the patients identified in the University of Pittsburgh study were women.


Gastroparesis can be a manifestation of many systemic illnesses, arise as a complication of select surgical procedures, or develop due to unknown causes. Any disease inducing neuromuscular dysfunction of the GI tract can result in gastroparesis, with diabetes being one of the leading known causes. In a 2007 study published in Current Gastroenterology Reports, 29% of gastroparesis cases were found in association with diabetes, 13% developed as a complication of surgery and 36% were due to unknown causes. According to the American Motility Society Task Force on Gastroparesis, 4% to 6% of the U.S. population experiences symptomatic manifestations of gastroparesis. As the incidence of diabetes rises worldwide, the prevalence of gastroparesis is expected to rise correspondingly.

The most common identified cause of gastroparesis is diabetes mellitus typically have long-standing and often poorly controlled diabetes. The underlying mechanism of diabetic gastroparesis is unknown; although, it is thought to be related in part to neuropathic changes in the vagus nerve and/or the myenteric plexus. Prolonged elevated serum glucose levels are also associated with vagus nerve damage. The vagus nerve controls the movement of food through the digestive tract and when it is damaged, forward movement of food through the GI tract is delayed. The prevalence of diabetes in the United States is rapidly rising with the Centers for Disease Control estimating that one in ten adults currently suffer from the disease. Sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits and a consequent rising prevalence of obesity are expected to cause this number to grow substantially.

Source: Irfan Soykan, MD, "Demography, Clinical Characteristics, Psychological and Abuse Profiles, Treatment, and Long-Term Follow-up of Patients with Gastroparesis," Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 11 (November 1998), pp. 2398 - 2404.

According to a study published in the Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases in July 2010, between 25% and 55% of Type 1 and 15% and 30% of Type 2 diabetics suffer from symptoms associated with the condition and diabetics are 29% of the total gastroparesis population. A 2007 study published in Current Gastroenterology Reports states that approximately 36% of gastroparesis patients suffer from idiopathic gastroparesis. The development of idiopathic gastroparesis is thought to be related to loss of myenteric ganglion cells in the distal large bowel (myenteric hypoganglionosis) and reduction in the interstitial cells of Cajal, which help control contraction of the smooth muscle in the GI tract. Post-surgical gastroparesis is a smaller subset of the total patient pool and accounts for approximately 13% of all cases of the disease, according to a 2007 study published in Current Gastroenterology Reports. Post-surgical gastroparesis is often associated with peptic ulcer surgery, bariatric procedures or esophageal procedures and is thought to result from damage/desensitization of the vagus nerve.


In 2011, the American Diabetes Association estimated that diabetes affects approximately 26 million people of all ages in the United States, equating to about 8.3% of the U.S. population. Based on prevalence data, the potential gastroparesis patient pool in the United States is approximately 12 to 16 million adults with women making up 82% of this population, according to a 2007 study published in Current Gastroenterology Reports. Less than 1.3 million gastroparesis patients in the United States are currently being treated by a health care professional, based on market research commissioned by Evoke in 2012. When patients do receive treatment for gastroparesis, multiple medications are frequently used to address the individual symptoms of gastroparesis. For example, patients may receive anti-emetics for nausea and vomiting and opioids for abdominal pain, which can exacerbate delayed gastric emptying in patients with gastroparesis.

Unmet Needs in Gastroparesis Treatment

Market research and physician interviews demonstrate that existing treatment options for diabetic gastroparesis are inadequate and there is a high level of interest in effective outpatient options for managing patients with gastroparesis symptoms. The market is currently served by oral and intravenous metoclopramide, and the oral disintegrating tablet, or ODT, formulation of metoclopramide (Metozolv® ODT). Due to the limited availability of FDA-approved treatments for gastroparesis, physicians resort to using medications "off-label" in an attempt to address individual symptoms experienced by patients. Off-label therapies are pharmaceuticals prescribed by physicians for an unapproved indication or in an unapproved age group, unapproved dose or unapproved form of administration. Examples of drugs used without FDA approval in gastroparesis include; erythromycin, domperidone, and Botox® injected via endoscopic procedure directly into the lower gastric sphincter. Previously-approved drugs, such as cisapride and tegaserod, are no longer commercially available in the United States because of safety concerns.