Why this blog?

Reason For the Blog

Hello, my name is Steve. I am a middle-aged husband and a father of one beautiful girl. The reason for this blog is two-fold. First, by posting whats happening in my life in regards to the activity and treatment for my gastroparesis (gp) then I feel it is likely that some information from this blog may be of aid to someone who is also suffering from gp, aka "the stomach flux" everyday of their lives. The second reason I created this blog is so I may express what's going on in my gp-life. By typing away my frustrations I feel my self relaxing, both physically and emotionally. Feel free to send me any comments or advise you may have. Shalom.


Gastroparesis Awareness

Gastroparesis Awareness
Gastroparesis Awareness

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So What's Your Trick in Overcoming Nausea

Over the past six years or so I have embarked upon a great campaign in the hopes of finding some nausea relief.  In doing so I have encountered a menagerie of opinions as to what works best for these symptoms.  I have compiled a list of items below.  These items have either been recommended, prescribed or otherwise asked to try.  The items unlined are what I presently use as needed.  The bold print items are one that I RECOMMEND.  Items #1-8 are only available via prescription.

  1. Zofran.  The great and powerful anti-emetic.  This is what is give to chemo-therapy patients to combat their nausea issues.  This medication works best as an IV.  
  2. Phenergan.  This drug has more and more warnings attached to it.  Yet, it really works for me.
  3. Compazine  
  4. Emend (brand new)
  5. Tigan (tough to get)
  6. Ativan
  7. Bentyl
  8. Reglan
  9. Benadryl
  10. Ginger:  crystallized, raw, tea, Diet Canadian Dry, etc.
  11. Tea:  Oolong
  12. Water, Water and drink more Water
  13. Pressure point braclets (useless!)
  14. Marijuana (assuming you have a state-licence to use and own).  I have been told by several ER doctors that marijuana can have a polar effect on gastroparesis, causing the motility in the stomach fail further.  I have never had this effect.  My opinion on medical marijuana is simple; it should be accessible and legal for needed patients. Keep in mind that there is a nasty price to pay for using this course of action.  I do not know if the "false guilt" I feel after smoking is worth it.  Personally, this is my least favorite alternative, for I always feel hypocritical from my head to my toes when I return to the use of this item.  I will never recommend this option.  It's a personal choice. (I will blog about this in the future)
  15. Nausatrol.  An OTC sugar syrup liquid.  It may work for some people, but never myself.  There is so much sugar on this elixir that if it does not aid the nausea, then it will be a great leap for your blood glucose level.
  16. Coca-Cola Syrup.  An OTC sugar syrup liquid.  It may work for some people, but never myself.  There is so much sugar on this elixir that if it does not aid the nausea, then it will be a great leap for your blood glucose level.
  17. Maintaining a consistent blood sugar level.  This item is huge!  I am a Type 1 diabetic and as such  I have continual issues with my pancreas.  This is a tough one, but essential to healthy living.  I believe and diabetic can attest to the fact that when sugar levels are off, then EVERYTHING about you is "off."  The high or low sugar levels change the way our anatomy functions.  My GP was caused by not having consistent blood glucose levels.  Good sugars create stability.  High sugars create anatomical chaos(I will blog about this in the future)
  18. Gatorade or G2.  I do use this, but I have never seen any improvement of the nausea.
  19. Apple Cider Vinegar.  Never tried it.
  20. The great daddy here!!! Nuerostimulator for your stomach.  I haven't had it yet, bu as soon as BCBS comes to reason, then it will be mine!
Well, that is it for now.  But please message me or leave a comment on how YOU handle this "green demon" that lives in our belly.

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