Why this blog?

Reason For the Blog

Hello, my name is Steve. I am a middle-aged husband and a father of one beautiful girl. The reason for this blog is two-fold. First, by posting whats happening in my life in regards to the activity and treatment for my gastroparesis (gp) then I feel it is likely that some information from this blog may be of aid to someone who is also suffering from gp, aka "the stomach flux" everyday of their lives. The second reason I created this blog is so I may express what's going on in my gp-life. By typing away my frustrations I feel my self relaxing, both physically and emotionally. Feel free to send me any comments or advise you may have. Shalom.


Gastroparesis Awareness

Gastroparesis Awareness
Gastroparesis Awareness

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

To Have Somewhat of an Awesome Opportunity

University of Michigan Hospital.  Ann Arbor, Michigan

For the first time in a long time, I have some good news concerning my gastroparesis (GP).  I have been accepted into an University of Michigan Hospital device & observational study of my GP.  This entails swallowing a "smart pill" that tracks everything that goes on in my digestive system. This study will be centered at the main hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  I am hopeful that some form of breakthrough may be found that may decrease my levels of nausea, retching and vomiting.

There is one huge drawback to this good news, for I will have to retake the gastric emptying nuclear medicine test again.  For me this is no easy feet.  Last time the CT scans ended up with me vomiting in the radiology department at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Pontiac, Michigan.  It literally took me three tries to get through the exam as I could not hold the radiated food down.  I pray that this will not be the case here.

An illustrated example of a "smart pill."

My question is simple, has anyone else taken a "smart pill?"  If so please share with us.

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